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Create an R object representing an SDP dataset.


  catalog_id = NULL,
  url = NULL,
  years = NULL,
  months = NULL,
  date_start = NULL,
  date_end = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE,
  download_files = FALSE,
  download_path = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,



character. A single valid catalog number for an SDP dataset. This is in the CatalogID field for information returned by sdp_get_catalog().


character. A valid URL (e.g. for the cloud-based dataset. You should specify either catalog_id or url, but not both.


numeric. For annual time-series data, a numeric vector specifying which years to return. The default NULL returns all available years.


numeric. For monthly time-series data, a numeric vector specifying which months of data to return. The default NULL returns all available months.


class Date. For daily time-series data, the first day of data to return.


class Date. For daily time-series data, the last day of data to return.


logical. Should the function print status and progress messages?


logical. Should the function download files to disk? The default FALSE creates cloud-based representations of the data without downloading.


character. Destination path for downloaded files. This can be a relative or absolute path.


logical. Should files with the same names as the datasets be overwritten in download_path? If FALSE, the function will skip downloading files that already exist in the destination.


Other arguments to pass to the terra::rast() function.


An R object (class terra::SpatRaster) representing the raster dataset.


Files headers are read from cloud-based datasets using the terra package, but the full dataset is not downloaded locally unless download_files=TRUE. Instead terra uses the web-based file system embedded in GDAL (VSICURL) to access datasets on the cloud. For large datasets and slow network connections, the function might take up to a minute to complete. Specifying local downloads download_files=TRUE might be more efficient for multi-layer data, but can take up lots of disk space.


## Lookup catalog number for a dataset.
cat <- sdp_get_catalog(domain='UG',type='Vegetation')
lc_id <- cat$CatalogID[cat$Product=='Basic Landcover']

## Connect to the dataset without downloading
landcover <- sdp_get_raster(lc_id)
#> class       : SpatRaster 
#> dimensions  : 72603, 83004, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
#> resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
#> extent      : 305082, 388086, 4256064, 4328667  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
#> coord. ref. : WGS 84 / UTM zone 13N (EPSG:32613) 
#> source      : UG_landcover_1m_v4.tif 
#> color table : 1 
#> name        : UG_landcover_1m_v4